Debbie Aronson, Director ofService Learning, Calhoun
Dan Zauderer and the Grassroots Grocery Network is an amazing partnership for the Calhoun School and our students! They are not only learning about food insecurity but they are also experiencing what it means to be an active member of the community and what they can do to take action and support the efforts of Grassroots Grocery. We truly value the relationship that has developed and I know it will have a lasting impact on my students and myselft as a teacher.
Debbie Aronson, Director of
Service Learning, Calhoun

Rebecca Hershberg, Westchesterparent and Child Psychologist
As a parent, I am always looking for opportunities for my young kids to give back to their community... for concrete, hands-on ways to work toward social justice. Grassroots Grocery is exactly that; the experience is not only fun and engaging for our kids, but also eye-opening each and every time. As a child psychologist, I know how much kids benefit from feeling part of a larger whole... Although we are hardly intended to be the primary beneficiaries, there is no doubt that volunteering at Grassroots Grocery has been a gift for our family!
Rebecca Hershberg, Westchester
parent and Child Psychologist

Andrea, PTA Parent,Murray Avenue School
Engaging our kids to help drive out hunger and help the broader community has been so rewarding. The awareness of the incredible need for fresh food and the hands-on experience for kids to both sort and deliver really help solidify the importance of this work and feel the gratitude from the recipients.
Andrea, PTA Parent,
Murray Avenue School

Annah Heckman, CPEJ Associate for ServiceLearning and Civic Engagement
Dan's presentation has inspired our students to engage with their own ideas and develop their own ways to serve. The story of Grassroots Grocery is so inspiring, and Dan does a great job of walking students through the process of how an observation becomes a movement. Students are asked to think about the things needed to create a successful nonprofit and in the process are galvanized to engage their own ideas to make change.
Annah Heckman, CPEJ Associate for Service
Learning and Civic Engagement

Annah Heckman, CPEJ Associate for Service Learning and Civic Engagement
Working with Grassroots Grocery was such an inspiring experience for our students. We were able to engage the full family unit by inviting families to come help sort produce, fill their cars, and then fill the free produce refrigerators. The best part was seeing students work with the community members that were receiving the food. It truly was neighbors helping neighbors.
Annah Heckman, CPEJ Associate for Service
Learning and Civic Engagement